Sažetak | Prerada bioloških materijala, između ostalih i drvne sječke, u velikom je porastu u posljednje vrijeme. Samim time raste i potreba za uređajima koji će iste sortirati i prevoziti između različitih radnih jedinica unutar proizvodnog pogona.
U uvodnim točkama ovoga rada dan je opći pregled sredstava neprekidne dobave koja se koriste za transport sipkih materijala. Također su ukratko opisane karakteristike transporta sipkih materijala, a posebice specifičnosti drvne sječke. Za kraj uvodnog dijela prikazana su neka od postojećih rješenja u pogonima za preradu drvne sječke.
U nastavku su prikazana tri različita koncepta moguće izvedbe trakastog konvejera s gumenom trakom te je za daljnju razradu odabran jedan koncept, uz obrazloženje. Zatim je prikazan tok proračuna pogonskih elemenata sustava. Izračunate su potrebna vučna sila i snaga za pogon uređaja, odabrane su standardne komponente poput elektromotora, reduktora i ležajeva te je prikazan kontrolni proračun vratila pogonskog bubnja. Prije statičke analize odabrani su još neki elementi koji opterećuju nosivi okvir i čiji utjecaj treba uzeti u obzir prilikom statičkog proračuna. Također je prikazan odabir čistača trake kao i sigurnosnih elemenata sustava. Nakon odabira svih komponenata koje opterećuju konstrukciju, provedena je statička analiza i odabir okvira nosive konstrukcije uređaja te je provedena kontrola kritičnih zavara u konstrukciji.
Na kraju je izrađen CAD model uređaja u programskom paketu SolidWorks te je dan sklopni crtež cijelog uređaja zajedno s još nekoliko radioničkih i montažnih crteža nosive konstrukcije.
Pri projektiranju ovog uređaja koristili su se svi važeći tehnički propisi za sigurnost transportnih uređaja, kao i propisi za sigurnost električnih instalacija. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The processing of biological materials, including wood chips, has been on the rise recently. As a result, the need for devices that will sort and transport them between different work units within the production plant is growing.
In the introductory points of this paper, a general overview of the means of continuous supply used for the transport of bulk materials is given. The characteristics of the bulk material transport, especially the specifics of wood chips, are also briefly described. At the end of introduction, some of the existing solutions in woodchips processing plants are presented.
In the following, three different concepts of the possible performance of the belt conveyor with a rubber belt are presented, and one concept was selected for further elaboration, with an explanation why. Then, the calculation of the system's drive elements is presented. The required traction force and power to drive the device were calculated, standard components such as electric motor, gear box and bearings were selected, and the control calculation of the drive drum shaft was presented. Before the static analysis, some other elements that load the main conveyor frame and whose influence should be considered during the static calculation were selected. Selection of belt cleaners as well as system safety elements was also shown. After the selection of all the components that load the main frame, a static analysis and selection of the frame of the main load – bearing structure of the device was carried out, and the control of critical welds in the structure was carried out also. Finally, a CAD model of the device was created in the SolidWorks software package, and an assembly drawing of the entire device was given along with several other workshop and assembly drawings of the load-bearing structure. When designing this device, all valid technical regulations for the safety of transport devices were used, as well as the regulations for the safety of electric installations. |