Sažetak | U današnje vrijeme gotovo je nemoguće zamisliti život bez mobilnih uređaja, kompjutera,
televizora, ali i kućanskih uređaja poput hladnjaka, klima, perilica i slično. Svaki od tih uređaja
sastavljen je od velikog broja malih međusobno povezanih dijelova, od kojih veliku većinu čine
metali dok je ostatak plastika, staklo, keramika. Nažalost, kako je danas potreba za što većom
potrošnjom, a onda samim time i proizvodnjom, uređaji koje koristimo napravljeni su tako da
traju relativno kratko. Iz tog razloga elektronički i električni otpad doživio je najveći rast
otpada, što stvara određene probleme i rizike. Elektronički otpad opasan je jer sadrži otrovne
tvari i metale, koji ako se ne zbrinu na odgovarajući način, mogu djelovati štetno na okoliš i
U ovome radu opisan je tehnološki proces recikliranja i obnavljanja metala, te je provedena
analiza trošenja osovine industrijskog pužnog transportera koja se nalazi na liniji za separaciju
u jednom od stvarnih postrojenja. Na uzorku je proučavana mikrostruktura, analiziran je
kemijski sastav i izmjerena tvrdoća, te će se na temelju tih podataka pokušati dati odgovor što
je dovelo do trošenja osovine. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine life without mobile devices, computers,
televisions, but also household appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing
machines and the like. Each of these devices is composed of a large number of small
interconnected parts, most of which are made of metals, while the rest are plastics, glass,
ceramics. Unfortunately, as today there is a need for as much consumption as possible, and
therefore also production, the devices we use are made to last a relatively short time. For this
reason, electronic and electrical waste experienced the greatest waste growth, which creates
certain problems and risks. Electronic waste is dangerous because it contains toxic substances
and metals, which, if not properly disposed of, can have a harmful effect on the environment
and health.
In this paper, the technological process of metal recycling and recovery is described, and the
wear analysis of the shaft of the industrial screw conveyor, which is located on the separation
line in one of the actual plants, is performed. The microstructure of the sample was studied, the
chemical composition was analyzed and the hardness was measured, and on the basis of this
data an attempt will be made to give an answer as to what led to the wear of the shaft |