
Atomistic-to-continuum modelling in solid mechanics
Atomistic-to-continuum modelling in solid mechanics
Eduard Marenić
We focus primarily on the conceptually new class of materials that are only one atom thick, called by common name “graphene”. The experimental measurement of the mechanical properties of graphene is still considered a difficult task, thus quantifying the mechanical properties by the numerical simulations is of great importance.rnWe use molecular mechanics and assume that atoms are the smallest unit needed to be modelled. Due to the lack of computational power, performing a fully...
Autonomous solar-hydrogen power system
Autonomous solar-hydrogen power system
Motalleb Miri
Solar-hydrogen autonomous system for supplying isolated real passive house in real climate with power energy, energy for personal transport and heating/cooling system have been established and discussed. Simulation and analysis of a model of an autonomous power system based only on a renewable source (solar irradiance) integrated with a hydrogen system for energy backup has been performed. Commercially available passive house in island of Hvar in Croatia, and real commercial components...
Bezmrežna numerička metoda za analizu ploča
Bezmrežna numerička metoda za analizu ploča
Josip Hoster
U radu su predložene nove bezmrežne numeričke metode za analizu deformiranja ploča koje se temelje na metodi lokalnog težinskog ostatka (reziduala), odnosno lokalnoj Petrov-Galerkinovoj (MLPG) metodi. Pritom se provodi integracija slabog oblika uvjeta ravnoteže po lokalnom području integracije. Izbor težinske funkcije u težinskom ostatku je proizvoljan. Ploče su promatrane kao trodimenzijska tijela što omogućuje primjenu trodimenzijskih materijalnih modela. Diskretizacija je...
Biochemomechanical model of aneurysm growth
Biochemomechanical model of aneurysm growth
Nino Horvat
An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a local and irreversible dilatation of the aorta caused by an imbalance in production and degradation of the extracellular matrix. It has a high mortality rate, and it is common among the elderly, especially men, with a prevalence rate estimated between 1 and 9%. Most AAAs develop an intraluminal thrombus (ILT), i.e., a blood clot attached to the inner aortic wall. The role of ILT in AAA evolution remains controversial. On the one hand, it decreases...
Biodizel u prometu kao čimbenik održivog razvoja u Republici Hrvatskoj
Biodizel u prometu kao čimbenik održivog razvoja u Republici Hrvatskoj
Tomislav Virkes
Korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije u skladu je s globalnom strategijom održivog razvoja. Korištenje biogoriva u prometu doprinosi povećanju sigurnosti opskrbe i smanjenju ovisnosti prometnog sektora o nafti, smanjenju udjela emisije stakleničkih plinova iz cestovnog prometa te podupiranju održivog razvoja ruralnih područja. Najvažnija sirovina za proizvodnju biodizela u Hrvatskoj je uljana repica. Otpadno jestivo ulje također je mogući izvor za proizvodnju biodizela, ali je...
Boundary layer method for unsteady aerodynamic loads determination
Boundary layer method for unsteady aerodynamic loads determination
Frane Majić
In this work a simple and accurate method for two-dimensional unsteady aerodynamic load determination on airfoil is developed. The method employs viscous-inviscid coupling. The inviscid flow is governed by the unsteady Euler equations solved by finite volume method on moving C-type rigid grid, while viscous flow is governed by steady boundary layer integral equations. The Euler equations are solved in conservative form, in transformed body-fitted coordinates. The viscous-inviscid coupling is...
Design parameter management in product development process
Design parameter management in product development process
Jasmin Juranić
Engineering designers in product development organisations face the increasing complexity of engineering design activities. To accomplish the assigned activities, they reach for various tools and methods in their daily work that support them in developing products, managing data and communicating with other designers within a team or outside the team. Thus, design team members need enhanced software support for design team collaboration, including the management of design process...
Development of numerical model for green water loading by coupling the mesh based flow models with the meshless models
Development of numerical model for green water loading by coupling the mesh based flow models with the meshless models
Josip Bašić
The interaction between a moving vessel and incident waves leads to large relative motions and strong nonlinearities. This can result in violent water dynamics so that water flows onto the deck of the vessel, known as green water, and reaches crucial equipment and other deck structures. Green water events are considered as serious threat to the stability and operability of vessels, which should be reliably predicted and properly assessed in the design stage. Due to complexity of the...
Development of numerical models within the liquid film and Lagrangian spray framework
Development of numerical models within the liquid film and Lagrangian spray framework
Jakov Baleta
Liquid film flow sheared by an external air flow field is a physical phenomenon encountered in many engineering applications such as: burners, rain on vehicle windows and aircraft wings, rocket nozzles, mist eliminators, heat exchangers, steam turbine blades and especially internal combustion (IC) engines. Specifically, liquid wall films affect chemical composition of the gas phase and wall thermal behaviour of these systems. The goal of this research is additional improvement of the...
