Nošena traktorska prskalica
Ivan Višić U ovom radu koncipirana je i konstrukcijski razrađena nošena traktorska prskalica. Pogon čitavog stroja ostvaruje se pomoću traktora i kardanskog vratila. Na početku rada napravljena je analiza tržišta i već postojećih rješenja takve vrste strojeva. Zatim su napravljena 3 koncepta te je vrednovanjem izabran jedan i dalje detaljno konstrukcijski razrađen. Napravljen je 3-D model za odabrani koncept i napravljena je tehnička dokumentacija.
NuVinci varijator
Samantha Maležić Tema završnog rada je izrada konstrukcijskog rješenja NuVinci varijatora. Takav tip varijatora sadrži ulazni disk, koji pogoni kugle. One rotiraju oko osovine koja ima mogućnost promjene nagiba. Promjenom nagiba osovine kugle, mijenja se i prijenosni omjer. Promjena prijenosnog omjera odvija se kontinuirano, bez skokova. Kugle zatim pogone izlazni disk. Zadatak je konstruirati NuVinci prijenosnik pogodan za montažu na biciklima. Pritom je potrebno uzeti u obzir snagu koju je moguće...
Nuklearna katastrofa u Fukushimi
Evita Leljak Dana 11. ožujka 2011. Japan je pogodio razoran potres jačine devet stupnjeva prema Richterovoj skali i pritom nastao tsunami potopio je dijelove nuklearne elektrane Fukushima-Daiichi koja se sastojala od šest reaktora. U trenutku potresa samo su tri reaktora bila u funkciji, a u preostala tri odvijalo se planirano mijenjanje goriva. Uslijed potresa, elektrana je ostala bez priključka na električnu mrežu te je izvor napajanja zamijenjen dizel generatorima smještenim u podrumskim...
Nuklearne elektrane danas
Fran Jakšić U ovom radu razmotrena je trenutna situacija nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu. U početku se donosi pregled postojećih nuklearnih elektrana u svijetu i planirana izgradnja novih. Uz to je dana podjela nuklearnih elektrana prema vrsti reaktora. Opisan je utjecaj nuklearnih elektrana na okoliš i vrste nuklearnog otpada koje elektrane proizvode. Postupak zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada i utjecaj njegovog dugotrajnog dubinskog skladištenja je razmotren. Sigurnost nuklearnih elektrana i...
Numerical Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Roots Blower
Mario Matuzović This thesis deals with Conjugate Heat Transfer analysis of an oil-free Roots blower which is a Positive Displacement Machine used for low pressure ratio applications. Prediction of temperature distribution is critical in the design of rotor-to-rotor and rotor-to-casing clearance gaps inside these compressors. The aim of the study is to numerically analyse the heat transfer from pressurized air to rotors and casing and provide the temperature distribution over structural elements. These...
Numerical analysis of adhesively bonded joints
Darian Milohanić The usage of structural adhesives has increasingly been used in the automotive industry. At the same time the knowledge and the experience about structural adhesive modelling and failure predictions in the field of numerical analysis is limited. In order to reduce these shortcomings, this thesis aims to find a solution to model adhesive behaviour in a full vehicle simulation. Thus, in this thesis, first of all, a literature review was performed. Based on this review, a description of...
Numerical analysis of cooling of a cylindrical Li-ion battery cell
Ivan Jelić The task of the thermal management systems (TMS) in the electric vehicles (EV) equipped with the Li-ion battery modules is to prevent the thermal runaway by the effective control of cell-core temperature. This is important mostly due to safety reason because over-temperature of the Li-ion batteries can induce fire and even explosion. In this thesis, it was carried out a numerical conjugate heat transfer analysis of the battery module cooling with the laminar fluid flow. Three battery cell...
Numerical modeling of dynamics of multibody systems in Lie-group setting
Ivan Zenzerović A Lie group integration method, proposed in [12] and [11], is presented in the thesis and applied to the case study problem. The way dynamics of multibody system is mathematically modelled is presented and the governing equations, in the form of a DAE system of index 1 and 3, are given. Manifolds are introduced and applied to the dynamics of MBS. Also, the mathematical background of manifolds, groups, vector fields and spaces is presented in the thesis. The special orthogonal group SO (3) is...
Numerical modelling of combustion process using flamelet generated manifold and coherent flame combustion models
Marija Stipić In recent times, combustion modelling employing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in combination with experiment has become an irreplaceable tool in the design process of the diesel engines. Combustion process as a phenomenon of exceptional complexity can be numerically solved with detailed chemical kinetics or with the utilisation of approximated combustion models. Detailed chemical kinetics provides a comprehensive insight into the chemical aspect of the combustion process, while...
Numerical modelling of heat transfer and dissipation in power electronics applications
Igor Vodopija Ovaj se diplomski rad bavi analizom prijenosa i disipacije topline unutar sklopa elektroničkih energetskih modula koji su montirani na hladnjak, koristeći numeričke simulacije u softverskom paketu AVL FIRE M. Diplomski rad je napravljen u suradnji s tvrtkom AVL. U radu je validiran numerički model putem već napravljenih eksperimentalnih mjerenja temperature čipova. Mjerenja su napravljena u Grazu, u laboratoriju tvrtke AVL. Nakon toga napravljen je niz parametarskih analiza s ciljem...
Numerical modelling of non-Newtonian fluid flow during a battery pack filling
Matteo Kamenjašević During operation, electric vehicle components experience shocks and vibrations that can potentially damage cells within the battery pack. Foam encapsulation enhances the structural integrity of battery pack by securing cells in place, shielding them from potential damage. Structural foams undergo several distinct stages, including the flow of non-Newtonian fluid, curing and foaming before reaching a final stable stage. The main aim of this thesis was to develop a method for numerically...
Numerical modelling of the preloaded bolted connections
Matija Kalauz Bolts and bolted connections are the most common compounds that are used in almost all industries, especially in the car industry. Because they are so commonly used, they represent a certain challenge to find a way to stop their loosening and to detect what is their pretension loss due to various influences. In recent times, the car industry is turning to manufacture hybrid and electrical vehicles more and more. Since they are turning to that segment of production, various batteries, which...