Abstract | U ovom radu opisan je razvoj sustava za sprječavanje neovlaštenog korištenja spremnika za
komunalni otpad. Najprije je dan kratki osvrt na novi model odlaganja otpada i što on zahtijeva
od građana, odnosno korisnika. Na temelju toga je definiran razvojni cilj i prikazan plan
razvojnog projekta. Nakon toga slijedi opis koraka provedenih u sklopu faze koncipiranja,
počevši od analize tržišta, patenata i postojećih rješenja na području Grada Zagreba. Ove
analize su poslužile za bolje razumijevanje sustava za zaključavanje komunalnih spremnika i
prikupljanja ideja za potencijalna rješenja zadanog problema. U svrhu prikupljanja informacija
o navikama odlaganja otpada provedeni su intervjui s nekoliko korisnika komunalnih usluga u
Zagrebu te s djelatnikom komunalnog poduzeća „Čistoća“. Na temelju podataka prikupljenih
putem intervjua vršene su analiza, interpretacija i vrednovanje potreba korisnika te formulacija
funkcionalnih zahtjeva na proizvod. U sljedećem koraku je izrađena morfološka matrica, u
kojoj su predložena parcijalna rješenja za pojedine funkcije, a čijim su kombiniranjem dobivena
različita konceptualna rješenja proizvoda. Koncepti su međusobno uspoređeni po odabiranim
kriterijima, a najbolje ocjenjeni su početno oblikovani , gdje su detaljnije razrađeni pojedini
detalji te povećana funkcionalnost. Na kraju faze koncipiranja je odabran jedan koncept za
detaljniju konstrukcijsku razradu i detaljiranje koristeći DfX smjernice. Odabrani koncept
predstavlja uređaj za zaključavanje spremnika za komunalni otpad, koji je moguće
beskontaktno otključati standardnim RFID pločicama ili karticama. Uređaj se također
automatski otključava nakon okretanja za određeni kut, kao što je to slučaj prilikom pražnjenja
spremnika u kamion za odvoz otpada. Ovakva funkcionalnost pokazala se u skladu s potrebama
prikupljenim od strane korisnika i komunalnog poduzeća. U fazi konstrukcijske razrade je
napravljena detaljna analiza komponenti, pri čemu su definirani njihovi nazivi, oblici,
dimenzije i materijali te je osmišljan način prihvata uređaja na spremnik i njegovo održavanje. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis describes the development of a system to prevent unauthorized use of municipal
waste containers. First, a brief overview of the new model of waste disposal and what it requires
from citizens and users is given. Based on this, the development goal was defined, and the
development project plan was presented. This is followed by a description of the steps taken as
part of the conception phase, starting with the analysis of the market, patents, and existing
solutions in the City of Zagreb. These analyses served for a better understanding of the container
locking system and gathering ideas for potential solutions to the given problem. To gather
information about waste disposal habits, interviews were conducted with several users of
communal services in Zagreb and with an employee of the communal company "Čistoća".
Based on the data collected through interviews, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of user
needs and the formulation of functional requirements for the product were carried out. In the
next step, a morphological matrix was created, in which partial solutions for individual
functions were proposed, and by combining which different conceptual solutions of the product
were obtained. The concepts were compared with each other according to the selected criteria,
and the best rated ones were initially designed, where individual details and increased
functionality were worked out in more detail. At the end of the conceptualization phase, one
concept was selected for more detailed structural elaboration and detailing using DfX
guidelines. The chosen concept is a device for locking municipal waste containers, which can
be unlocked contactlessly with standard RFID tags or cards. The device also unlocks
automatically after turning a certain angle, such as when emptying a container into a garbage
truck. This functionality proved to be in accordance with the needs gathered by the users and
the utility company. In the design development phase, a detailed analysis of the components
was made, in which their names, shapes, dimensions and materials were defined, and a way of
attaching the device to the tank and its maintenance was designed. |
Study programme | Title: Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Design, Process and Energy Engineering, Production Engineering, Engineering Modelling and Computer Simulation, Marine Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Materials Engineering Course: Design Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva) |