Nova metodologija projektiranja trgovačkih brodova
Predrag Čudina Dosegnut je maksimum kvalitete osnivanja trgovačkih brodova primjenom postojećih metoda i metodologija projektiranja. Tijekom duljeg vremena postignuta su minimalna poboljšanja kvalitete projekata. Suvremeni projekti različitih brodogradilišta se gotovo i ne razlikuju. Napredak u projektiranju je moguć pod uvjetom promjene generalnog pristupa projektnom problemu. Treba promijeniti osnovni pristup osnivanju broda: odbaciti nepotrebna ograničenja, dijelom napustiti "dobru brodograđevnu...
Novi algoritam za povezivanje polja brzine i tlaka
Severino Krizmanić U radu je razvijena metoda konačnih volumena za rješavanje Navier-Stokesovih jednadžbi za slučaj laminarnog nestlačivog strujanja. Metoda se temelji na novom algoritmu za povezivanje polja brzine i tlaka. Osnovna razlika novog algoritma u odnosu na danas najčešće korišteni SIMPLE algoritam, sastoji se u tome da je u njemu jednadžba kontinuiteta zadovoljena u svakoj iteraciji, a konačnom se rješenju približava korigiranjem masenih protoka kroz stranice konačnih volumena sve dok...
Novi model praćenja učinkovitosti ljudskih čimbenika u procesima
Iva Mikulić Modernizacija i digitalizacija, koje su sve veći zahtjevi društva, utječu na brojne procese. U skladu s time, moderne tehnologije mijenjaju kompletan način poslovanja kako u stručnim, tako i u znanstvenim organizacijama. Iako je primjena softvera i bežične povezanosti u početku bila svojstvena isključivo proizvodnoj djelatnosti, u posljednje vrijeme sve je važnija za upravljanje različitim poslovnim procesima. Ovaj doktorski rad prikazuje primjenu takvih rješenja unutar procesa...
Novi model prepoznavanja ljudskih aktivnosti u proizvodnim procesima primjenom računalnoga vida
Mihael Gudlin Učinkovitost ljudskog faktora će i u budućnosti imati značajan utjecaj na cjelokupni proizvodni sustav, što znači da će tu učinkovitost biti potrebno pratiti i kvantificirati. Metrika bazirana na vremenu izvođenja rada jedan je od važnijih pokazatelja učinkovitosti. Konvencionalni pristupi studiju vremena temeljeni su na promatranju ljudskih operacija, unaprijed definiranim vremenskim standardima i u novije vrijeme video snimkama i njihovoj ručnoj analizi. Nedostaci postojećih...
Novi postupak difuzijskoga modificiranja površina titanove legure za endoprotetske implantate
Ivan Kumić U izradi implantata namijenjenih ugradnji u koštana tkiva, nevelik je broj različitih vrsta metalnih materijala dokazane dugoročne neškodljivosti. Svojstva ovih materijala (time i proizvoda) mogu biti usmjerena u nekom željenom smjeru primjenom različitih proizvodnih postupaka; postupaka oblikovanja, ali i neizostavne toplinske obrade te inženjerstva površina. Upravo različiti utjecaji postupaka inženjerstva površina danas su u fokusu velikog broja znanstvenih studija. Pristup...
Numerical and experimental modeling of thin metal plates forming process
Ante Bubalo Wire crimping, a process commonly used in the automotive industry, is a solderless method for establishing electrical and mechanical connections between wire strands and terminals. The complexity of predicting the final shape of a crimped terminal and the imperative to minimize production costs indicate the use of advanced numerical methods. Such an approach requires a reliable phenomenological elasto-plastic constitutive model in which material behaviour during the forming process is...
Numerical damage analysis of aeronautical composite structures using multiscale methods
Darko Ivančević The research is focused on multiscale methodology application at impact damage modelling of composite structures. Application of multiscale principles on complex composite structures necessitates computationally efficient micromechanical models. Consequently, modelling of composite structures has been in this Thesis performed employing the semi-analytical High Fidelity Generalized Method of Cells (HFGMC) micromechanical model. The application of micromechanical models enables modelling of...
Numerical methods for the evaluation of the structural response of ship appendices
Andro Bakica Numerical framework for the assessment of hydrodynamic loads and structural responses
of ship appendages is developed in this work. The ship entire life cycle is considered, and the
expected long-term maximum loads are evaluated emphasizing the statistical wave environment
and appropriate loading parameters. Different existing numerical models are employed, and hydrostructure
interaction models are developed and verified. The study can be generally divided into
two parts: definition of...
Numerical modeling of abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion
Lana Virag Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a dilatation of aorta characterized by loss of functional elastin and smooth muscle cells, as well as enhanced production of collagen. The majority of AAAs includes an intraluminal thrombus (ILT) that decreases peak wall stress; however, it also degrades aortic wall, thus reducing its strength. Aneurysm rupture has a high mortality rate. To help clinicians predict rupture, growth and remodeling models have been developed. Nevertheless, in hitherto conducted...
Numerical modeling of coupled dynamical systems
Bruno Dogančić This dissertation focuses on uncertainty modeling, robust stability, and performance
analysis of coupled multi-input multi-output (MIMO) reduced-order dissipative dynamical
systems. Large-scale structural dynamics systems, micro-electro-mechanical
systems (MEMS), flexible multi-body dynamics systems (FMBDS), and similar systems
are examples of such systems. For modeling and analyzing such systems, spatial
discretization techniques (SDMs) such as the finite element method (FEM) are...
Numerical modeling of damage in heterogeneous materials using strain gradient theory
Filip Putar Prevention of the damage phenomenon in the structural components has always been a major criterion for keeping the longest possible working lifetime of the engineering systems and thus the minimization of the financial expenses due to maintenance, as well as for the safety of the people who benefit from such systems. In recent times, the need for keeping the track of the damage is even higher as a demand towards lighter, thinner and smaller designing solutions is rapidly increasing, where...
Numerical modelling of autoignition chemistry kinetics in computational fluid dynamics
Marko Ban The research in this work aims at improving application of the simulation of fuel ignition, focusing on the low-temperature auto-ignition phenomenon. The simulation of low temperature ignition has been typically achieved by using computationally demanding calculations of complex chemistry kinetics. This work attempts to reproduce the effects of complex chemistry by developing the methodology of efficient database creation consisting of the relevant ignition data used by existing combustion...