- Sušić, AleksandarAntropodinamička analiza pristupa za automatizirani ultrazvučni pregled
- Marenić, EduardAtomistic-to-continuum modelling in solid mechanics
- Miri, MotallebAutonomous solar-hydrogen power system
- Hoster, JosipBezmrežna numerička metoda za analizu ploča
- Horvat, NinoBiochemomechanical model of aneurysm growth
- Virkes, TomislavBiodizel u prometu kao čimbenik održivog razvoja u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Majić, FraneBoundary layer method for unsteady aerodynamic loads determination
- Juranić, JasminDesign parameter management in product development process
- Bašić, JosipDevelopment of numerical model for green water loading by coupling the mesh based flow models with the meshless models
- Baleta, JakovDevelopment of numerical models within the liquid film and Lagrangian spray framework