Abstract | U ovom radu opisan je proces konstruiranja uređaja za izvlačenje lima u segment pužnog
konvejera. Najprije je dan osvrt općenito na pužne konvejere, kratko je opisano što su, za što
se koriste i na kojem principu rade. Zatim su opisani limovi iz kojih se oblikuju spirale te na
koje se načine one mogu izraditi. Također je opisan pregled postojećih konstrukcijskih rješenja
kroz povijest, od prvih strojeva za ovu namjenu koji su bili poprilično opasni i komplicirani za
korištenje pa sve do modernih, vrlo preciznih strojeva koji se lako koriste i vrlo su sigurni. U
prvoj fazi konstruiranja stroja izrađena su 3 koncepta od kojih je svaki detaljno opisan i prikazan
te su navedene prednosti i mane svakog od njih. Nakon analize koncepata odabran je
najprikladniji te je njegova razrada mogla započeti. Pri proračunu pogona i nosive konstrukcije
uređaja prvo je proveden proračun i dimenzioniranje užeta, užnica, osovine užnice te je odabran
ležaj užnice. Nakon toga dimenzioniran je bubanj sa svojom osovinom i svim ostalim pripadnim
djelovima, a na kraju je isto kao i kod užnice odabran prikladan ležaj bubnja. Kada su
dimenzionirani osnovni djelovi konstrukcije dalje su odabrani elektromotori i kočnice koji će
pokretati cijeli uređaj i upravljati njime. Na kraju proračuna dimenzioniran je disk koji nosi
donju čeljust te same čeljusti za prihvat diska koji se izvlači u spiralni segment. Također je
odabran i ležaj osovine diska na kojem se nalazi donja čeljust. Nakon dimenzioniranja svih
potrebnih dijelova izrađen je CAD model uređaja na temelju kojega je izrađena tehnička
dokumentacija, tj. sklopni crtež cijelog uređaja, te posebno sklopni crteži bubnja i čeljusti. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis describes the process of designing a device for pulling sheet metal into a segment
of a screw conveyor. First, a review of screw conveyors in general was given, briefly describing
what they are, what they are used for and on what principle they work. Then the sheets from
which the spirals are formed are described and also the ways in which they can be made. An
overview of existing construction solutions throughout history was also described, from the
first machines for this purpose, which were quite dangerous and complicated to use, to modern,
very precise machines that are easy to use and are very safe. In the first stage of designing
process, 3 concepts were created and each of them was described and shown in detail. Also, the
advantages and disadvantages of each of them were listed. After analyzing the concepts, the
most suitable one was selected and its development could begin. When calculating the drive
and supporting structure of the device, the calculation and dimensioning of the rope, pulley,
pulley shaft and the pulley bearing were first carried out. After that, the rope barrel with its
shaft and all other related parts was dimensioned, and finally, just as with the pulley, a suitable
bearing was selected. When the basic parts of the structure have been dimensioned, the electric
motors and brakes that drive and control the entire device were selected. At the end of the
calculation, the disc that carries the lower jaw and the jaws that accept the sheet metal were
dimensioned. The shaft bearing of disc on which the lower jaw is located was also selected.
After dimensioning of all the necessary parts, a CAD model of the device was made, based on
which the technical documentation was created, i.e. assembly drawing of the entire device, and
also assembly drawings of the rope barrel and jaws. |