
Spoznajni model upravljanja grupom industrijskih robota
Spoznajni model upravljanja grupom industrijskih robota
Tomislav Stipančić
U odnosu na klasične pristupe u kojima se robotski sustavi programiraju za ograničeni broj djelovanja, sustavi koji koriste koncepte sveprisutnog računarstva mogu autonomno predviđati ponašanje u specifičnim situacijama. U ovoj disertaciji je razvijen spoznajni model upravljanja sustavom umreženih robota zasnovan na kontekstualnoj spoznaji okoline koristeći koncepte sveprisutnog računarstva. Ti su koncepti ostvareni razvojem odgovarajuće ontologije povezane s mehanizmom...
Surface modification and functionalization of natural zeolite – clinoptilolite
Surface modification and functionalization of natural zeolite – clinoptilolite
Barbara Kalebić
The goal of the dissertation was to develop a new, environmentally friendly, and economically profitable adsorbents based on natural zeolite – clinoptilolite (CLI) for the removal of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) from aqueous solutions. CLI was chosen as it is readily available, while CIP as it is widely used fluoroquinolone-type antibiotic. In this study, the CLI is first modified with iron oxide nanoparticles (MAG) by two methods: 1) co-precipitation (MAGCP-CLI) from a Fe(II) salt...
Sustav za konfiguriranje proizvoda modularne arhitekture
Sustav za konfiguriranje proizvoda modularne arhitekture
Davor Pavlić
Poduzeća širom svijeta susreću se, zbog povećanja konkurentnosti na tržištu, s potrebom konstruiranja proizvoda prilagođenih zahtjevima individualnih naručitelja u što kraćem vremenskom periodu i uz što manje troškova. Poduzeća su pritom suočena s izazovom osiguravanja što veće varijantnosti proizvoda na tržištu, ali sa što manjom razlikom (u konstrukciji, proizvodnji, održavanju, ...) među samim varijantama. Zbog toga je razvoj varijanata proizvoda potrebno sagledati...
Sustav za upravljanje laboratorijskim ispitivanjima materijala
Sustav za upravljanje laboratorijskim ispitivanjima materijala
Tomislav Svaguša
U radu je prikazan postojeći ručni način rada u laboratorijima građevinskog instituta i njegovi nedostaci te se razmatra poboljšanje rada informatizacijom. Slijedilo je koncipiranje informacijskog sustava za upravljanje laboratorijskim ispitivanjima materijala naziva e- Laboratorij sa primjenom na Internetu. Provedena je analiza laboratorijskog procesa pri čemu su definirane faze i opisan njegov tijek. Sistematizirana su podatkovna obilježja i organizirana u bazu podataka. Stvorena je...
Tehnološka primjena sunčeva zračenja za razgradnju organskih tvari površinskih voda
Tehnološka primjena sunčeva zračenja za razgradnju organskih tvari površinskih voda
Davor Ljubas
Tema ovog rada je utvrđivanje mogućnosti primjene relativno nove skupine procesa u tehnologiji obrade voda – Unaprijeđenih Oksidacijskih Procesa (UOP), koji koriste ultraljubičasto zračenje kao izvor energije, za odvijanje procesa degradacije prirodnih organskih tvari (POT) u površinskoj vodi. Kako bi se postupak degradacije što više približio ekološkim načelima, pokušalo se kao izvor ultraljubičastog zračenja iskoristiti dio Sunčeva zračenja, koji iznosi svega 3-5% od...
The analysis of the potential of material and energy recovery of municipal waste in Canada
The analysis of the potential of material and energy recovery of municipal waste in Canada
Patrick Fowler
Waste-related management is a complex topic which has evolved significantly over time. In a modern context, with the environment at the forefront, traditional methods alone cannot satisfy the needs. Even our current definition and use of the word waste needs to change. Sustainable and integrated waste-related management (SIWRM) is a holistic approach to traditional waste management, with clearly defined principles and focus on prevention and reduction. The role of waste-related products to...
The development of a quasi-dimensional model for dual fuel combustion in engine cycle-simulation
The development of a quasi-dimensional model for dual fuel combustion in engine cycle-simulation
Ivan Taritaš
The research presented within this thesis gives an overview of the process of development, validation and application of a quasi-dimensional combustion model for the cycle-simulations in the conventional dual fuel internal combustion (IC) engines. The newly developed combustion model is called the Dual Fuel Multi Zone Combustion Model (DFMZCM), and has been integrated within the AVL cycle-simulation software (AVL Boost) Dual fuel engine is a term which is used for an IC engine that operates...
The impact of district heating and cooling on the penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources in moderate and Mediterranean climates
The impact of district heating and cooling on the penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources in moderate and Mediterranean climates
Tomislav Novosel
The European Union has set an ambitious goal of a total or at least near-total decarbonisation until 2050. Buildings represent the single largest contributor of greenhouse gases and are the largest single energy consumer across the continent. As more and more people move into densely populated urban areas, the sustainable supply of energy for space heating, cooling and the production of domestic hot water will become an ever-increasing issue. District heating and cooling systems...
The role of biomass and biofuels in the energy transition – a holistic interdisciplinary approach to sustainable anaerobic digestion
The role of biomass and biofuels in the energy transition – a holistic interdisciplinary approach to sustainable anaerobic digestion
Robert Bedoić
This doctoral dissertation evaluated the use of sustainable biomass sources (agri-food waste and residues, and industry streams) in anaerobic digestion with the goal of replacing maize silage in a large-scale biogas production and investigated alternative pathways of biogas utilisation incorporated in energy systems operating with high share of renewable energy sources. The methods applied in the research included elements of chemical and mechanical engineering in order to create a holistic...
The role of energy storage in planning of a 100% renewable energy systems
The role of energy storage in planning of a 100% renewable energy systems
Goran Krajačić
The ultimate goals of sustainable development of the modern societies are planning and development of energy systems, thus the most of developed countries focused their energy policies on the development of sustainable energy systems. These systems should provide security of energy supply, they should be competitive and cause minimal impact to the environment. In a long term, only renewable energy sources supported by energy storage could fulfil these requirements. There are many RES and...
Transient instabilities in turbomachinery
Transient instabilities in turbomachinery
Gregor Cvijetić
Turbomachinery CFD simulations have become a standard in industry, although still presenting quite expensive and time consuming process. In order to alleviate this, a number of tools and methods have been developed, being an approximation or simplification of the ongoing process within turbomachinery. Some of these methods include the steady state Multiple Reference Frame approach (MRF), taking into account the rotation even though a steady state simulation is run. Another more...
Trošenje bokova kola pužnih prijenosnika
Trošenje bokova kola pužnih prijenosnika
Nenad Panić
U radu je istraživan par materijala koji nije uobičajen za izradu pužnih prijenosnika, visokokvalitetni čelik 16MnCr5 i aluminijska bronca CuAl10Fe5Ni5, koja je inače uobičajeni materijal za izradu kliznih ležajeva jer se pokazala kao dobar izbor. Na modelnom uređaju Timken izmjereni su faktor trenja za različite uvjete rada, Hertzov pritisak i brzina klizanja. Računalnom obradom metode odzivne površine dobivena je jednoznačna funkcija preslikavanja. Numerička je analiza...
