Abstract | Viličar je industrijsko vozilo koje služi za dizanje i prijenos tereta na relativno kratkim udaljenostima. Moderni oblik viličara kakvog danas poznajemo razvijen je u dvadesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća, nakon čega je postao nezamjenjivi dio opreme u proizvodnim halama, lukama, skladištima itd. Viličari se razlikuju po svojoj nosivosti i upravljačkom pogonu. Uz same vilice koje direktno podižu teret, najvažniji dio viličara je nosiva konstrukcija tj. šasija. Šasija viličara izvedena je zavarivanjem pločastih dijelova u kutijastu čeličnu konstrukciju s raznim ojačanjima. U ovom radu provedena je numerička analiza čvrstoće šasije viličara primjenom metode konačnih elemenata. Svi proračuni metodom konačnih elemenata prikazani u radu provedeni su u programskom paketu Abaqus. Detaljno je opisan viličar, vrste viličara te njegov razvoj i primjena kroz povijest. Nakon toga opisana je metoda konačnih elemenata i programski paket Abaqus kojim je izvršena numerička analiza šasije viličara. Zatim je prikazan CAD model viličara koji je korišten u ovom diplomskom radu. Proveden je verifikacijski proračunski model ukliještene ploče po svim rubovima, opterećene kontinuiranim opterećenjem na osnovu kojeg su odabrani ljuskasti konačni elementi drugog reda. Nakon odabira konačnih elemenata izvršen je glavni dio diplomskog rada, numerička analiza šasije viličara. Na kraju su navedeni zaključci na temelju provedene numeričke analize. |
Abstract (english) | The forklift truck is an industrial vehicle used for lifting and transferring loads at relatively short distances. The modern form of forklift as we know it today was developed in the twenties of the last century, after which it became an indispensable part of equipment in production halls, ports, warehouses, etc. Fork lift trucks vary in their capacity and control. With the forks that directly raise the load, the most important part of the forklift truck is a load-bearing construction, ie, chassis. The forklift chassis is made by welding the plating parts in a box-like steel structure with various reinforcements. In this paper a numerical analysis of the strength of the forklift chassis was carried out using the finite element method. All calculations using the finite element method presented in the paper were carried out in the Abaqus program package. A forklift truck, forklift type and its development and application through history are described in detail. After that, the finite element method and the Abaqus software package have been described, which used a numerical analysis of the forklift chassis. The CAD model of the forklift truck, which was used in this paper, is then shown. The verification numerical model of the shear plate was clamped on all edges, loaded with continuous load, on the basis of which the finite elements were selected. After selecting the final elements, a major part of the thesis, a numerical analysis of the forklift chassis, was performed. Finally, the conclusions are based on the conducted numerical analysis. |