Abstract | Dok današnje moderno tržište automobila neprestano raste, u korak s njim raste i tržište brodova koji su specijalizirani isključivo za prijevoz automobila i drugih vozila. Budući da su takve brodske konstrukcije vrlo složene, a unaprjeđenje i kontinuirani rast kvalitete proizvoda su i više nego potrebni, potraga za inovacijama je neprekidna, pa uz nove dizajne i koncepte, jedan od načina unaprjeđenja jest i upotreba novih, različitih materijala koji dosada možda nisu pronašli svoju primjenu u brodogradnji. Dakako, kompozitni materijali već dugo vremena postoje u brodogradnji, ali uglavnom samo u proizvodnji manjih, brzih brodova poput jahti, jedrilica i sličnih brodova. Jedan novi način za primjenu kompozitnih materijala, koji imaju brojne prednosti, je taj da se koriste u izgradnji velikih trgovačkih brodova, no samo za specifične dijelove konstrukcija, koji su najčešće podvrgnuti samo lokalnim opterećenjima.
U ovom radu provedena je strukturna analiza jednog takvog koncepta broda za prijevoz automobila, na lokalnom i globalnom nivou. Lokalni proračun tipičnog kompozitnog panela proveden je prema Pravilima Bureau Veritasa, uz uporebu računalnog alata Mathcad, te su rezultati uspoređeni sa lokalnim MKE modelom. Proračun globalne čvrstoće je proveden na razini MKE modela cijeloga broda, pri čemu je kao prototip korišten MKE model sličnoga broda koji je modeliran prema konvencionalnom sustavu gradnje, dostupan na FSB-u. Odziv konstrukcije je uspoređen s predloženim konceptom, i onim projektiranim u konvencionalnom sustavu gradnje. Kao alat korišten je program MAESTRO dostupan na FSB-u. |
Abstract (english) | While today's modern car market is constantly growing, simultaneously grows the market of ships specialized for the transportation of cars and other vehicles. Since such a ship construction is very complex, and the improvement and continuous growth of product quality are more than necessary, the search for innovation is constant, with new designs and concepts, another way to improve is the use of new, different materials that may not be so far used in shipbuilding. Certainly, composite materials have long been present in the shipbuilding industry, but mainly in the production of small, fast boats such as yachts, sailing boats and similar vessels. A new way of application of composite materials, which have many advantages, is the one used in the construction of large merchant ships, but only for specific parts of the structures, which are usually subject only to local loads.
In this paper a structural analysis of such a concept of the car carrier shipwas carried out, on a local and a global level. Local calculation of typical composit panel structure was carried out under the Rules of Bureau Veritas, using the computer tool Mathcad, and results were compared with the local FEM model. Calculation of global strength is implemented at the level of the FEM model of the whole ship, where as a prototype a full ship FEM model of a similar ship, which is modeled on the conventional system of construction, available on FAMENA, was used. The response of the structure is compared with the proposed concept, and those projected in conventional system of construction. For this calculation MAESTRO software, available on the FAMENA, was used. |