Sažetak | Obnovljivi izvori energije su prirodni resursi koji se ne troše i neprestano se obnavljaju. Predstavljaju ekološki održivu alternativu fosilnim gorivima, doprinose smanjenju emisija stakleničkih plinova i podržavaju koncept održivog razvoja. Implementacija FN elektrana u energetski sustav cilj je postići energetsku neovisno o fosilnih goriva, doprinijeti zelenijom budućnosti te postati klimatski neutralni. Tehnologije korištene za izgradnju FN elektrana postaju sve dostupniji i jeftiniji što ih čine lakšim za ugraditi i upotrijebiti, te iako imaju visoke investicijske troškove, operativni troškovi su niski što ih čini jedim od vodećih tehnologije koje se implementiraju u sklopu obnovljivih izvora
U sklopu ovog završnog rada razmatralo se pred izvodljivost ugradnje FN elektrana na javim zgrada u gradu Osijeku. Za prostornu analizu korišten je program QGIS, kako bi javne zgrade mogle georeferencirati i kako bi se mogla izračunati dostupna tlocrtna površina na koju će biti moguće ugraditi FN elektrane. Za izračun solarnog potencijala na lokaciji Osijeka korišten je program PVGIS gdje je dobivena proizvodnja FN elektrana na godišnjoj razini.
Zadatak je popraćen ekonomskom analizom, a faktori koji su korišteni za prikaz isplativosti su bili neto sadašnja vrijednost (eng. Net Present Value – NPV), unutarnja stop povrata (eng. Internal Rate of Return – IRR) i vrijeme otplate projekta (eng. Payback time). Faktor koji je bio korišten kao pokazatelj koliki će biti trošak proizvedene električne energije zvao se nivelirani troškovi električne energije (eng. Levelized cost of electricity – LCOE).
Pri završetku rada provedena je analiza osjetljivosti, u kojoj su se mijenjali snaga instaliranih FN panela, cijena FN panela, cijena ukupne investicije, zajamčena cijena otkupa struje te kupovna cijena električne energije iz mreže. Ovom mjerom omogućen je bolji uvid u isplativosti samog projekt i njegovu riskantnost. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Renewable energy sources are natural resources that are inexhaustible and continuously replenished. They represent an environmentally sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and support the concept of sustainable development. The integration of photovoltaic (PV) power plants into the energy system aims to achieve energy independence from fossil fuels, foster a greener future, and attain climate neutrality. The technologies used in the construction of photovoltaic power plants are becoming increasingly accessible and affordable, making them easier to install and use. Although they require high initial investment costs, their operational costs are low, making them one of the leading technologies within the renewable energy sector.
As part of this thesis, the feasibility of installing photovoltaic power plants on public buildings in the city of Osijek was examined. For spatial analysis, QGIS software was used to georeferenc public buildings and calculate the available footprint area suitable for PV system installation. To estimate Osijek’s solar potential, PVGIS software was utilized to determine the annual electricity production of the photovoltaic systems.
The project was complemented by an economic analysis, in which key financial indicators were used to assess profitability, including Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Time. The Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) was employed as a metric to determine the cost of the generated electricity.
In the final stage of the study, a sensitivity analysis was conducted, adjusting variables such as installed PV capacity, PV panel prices, total investment costs, guaranteed electricity purchase prices, and grid electricity purchase prices. This approach provided a deeper insight into the project's profitability and the associated risks. |