Sažetak | DMADV metoda je jedna od komponenti 6-sigma metodologije te jedna od češće korištenih metoda u procesu razvoja novih proizvoda. Upotreba DMADV metode u razvoju novih proizvoda može doprinijeti stvaranju proizvoda i usluga koji zadovoljavaju potrebe kupaca, smanjuje vrijeme i troškove razvoja proizvoda, usklađuje proizvod ili uslugu sa strateškim ciljevima organizacije, te povećava konkurentnost isporučujući visokokvalitetne i jedinstvene proizvode. Metoda se sastoji od pet faza, svaka s određenim ciljevima i alatima. Početak čini faza definiranja, koja se usredotočuje na identifikaciju zahtjeva kupaca, odnosno obuhvat projekta i poslovne ciljeve. U fazi mjerenja se potom prikupljaju i analiziraju podatci o trenutnom tržištu, potrebama kupaca i potencijalnim rizicima. Nakon toga, u fazi analize generiraju se i vrednuju alternativna rješenja putem tehnika poput "brainstorminga", "benchmarkinga" i sl. Zatim u fazi dizajniranja odabire se najbolje rješenje i stvara se detaljan plan dizajna za testiranje i validaciju. Na kraju, u faza verifikacije testira se i validira dizajn s pomoću metoda poput simulacija ili FMEA analize.
Fokus rada je na testiranju različitih koncepata, odnosno varijanti proizvoda koji se očituje u različitim arhitekturama pogonskog sklopa električnog vozila. Rezultate dobivene simulacijskim modelima potrebno je usporediti primjenom adekvatnih metoda, te konačno dati prijedlog optimalnog proizvoda uzimajući u obzir kriterije kako eksploatacijskih performansi tako i troškova proizvodnje odabrane varijante. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The DMADV method is one of the components of the 6-sigma methodology and one of the more frequently used methods in the process of developing new products. The use of the DMADV method in the development of new products can contribute to the creation of products and services that meet the needs of customers, reduce the time and costs of product development, align the product or service with the strategic goals of the organization, and increase competitiveness by delivering high quality and unique products. The method consists of five phases, each with specific goals and tools. The beginning is the definition phase, which focuses on the identification of customer requirements, that is, the scope of the project and business goals. In the measurement phase, data on the current market, customer needs and potential risks are collected and analyzed. After that, in the analysis phase, valuable alternative solutions are generated using techniques such as "brainstorming", "benchmarking", etc. Then, in the design phase, the best solution is selected and a detailed design plan is created for testing and validation. Namely, in the verification phase, the design is tested and validated using methods such as simulation or FMEA analysis.
The focus of the work is on testing different concepts, i.e., product variants, which are manifested in different architectures of the powertrain of an electric vehicle. It is necessary to compare the results obtained by simulation models using adequate methods, and finally give a proposal for the optimal product, taking into account both the exploitation performance and the production costs of the selected variant. |