Sažetak | Current trends in the production of micro and nanoproducts in a wide range of industrial sectors, lead to high demands for cleanliness and for becoming clean rooms. For the products to be used inside a cleanroom, it is necessary to test their suitability for a cleanroom. At the Fraunhofer Institute, these tests are regularly carried out on various products. The products that are frequently tested are cable systems and their conduction systems, and lately, the demand for their testing has been growing. For this reason, the Institute needs to test multiple test facilities at the same time because currently each product is tested separately which becomes unsustainable. This thesis objective is to design a test bench for testing particulate emissions for cable systems and their guidance that will allow simultaneous testing of multiple objects. To better understand the problem, at the very beginning a review was given regarding cleanrooms, their importance, as well as an explanation of the concept of cleanroom technologies. Since the test station will be located in a cleanroom, the suitability of cleanroom equipment based on ISO 14644-14 is described in more detail. Then, the research of the market of test objects, cables, and cable carriers was presented, which enabled obtaining guidelines for further development of the test bench. At the end of the research section, a description of the cleanroom where the test bench will be located, the most commonly performed test at the Institute, and the existing devices made for use in a cleanroom are presented. All of the above-provided information serves as guidelines for defining the requirements of the device, which together with the requirements identified during a conversation with experts from the Institute formed a list of requirements for further development. Then the functional structure of the test bench was created, and the solutions for individual functions were given in the morphological chart, after which the concepts were generated. The concepts were evaluated and cross-contamination and laminar flow tests were performed for the selected concept. Finally, the design elaboration of individual components of the selected concept, its subassemblies, and the complete test bench is described. The selected concept was developed and modeled in the Solidworks 2018 software package. |
Sažetak (hrvatski) | Trenutni trendovi u proizvodnji mikro i nanoproizvoda u širokom rasponu industrijskih sektora, dovode do visokih zahtjeva za čistoćom te za postojanjem čistih soba. Kako bi se proizvodi mogli upotrebljavati unutar čiste sobe, potrebno je testirati njihovu prikladnost za čistu sobu. U Fraunhofer Institutu ta se testiranja redovito provode na različitim proizvodima. Proizvodi koji se često testiraju su sustavi kablova i njihovog vođenja, a u posljednje vrijeme potražnja za njihovim testiranjem je sve veća. Iz tog razloga, Institut ima potrebu za testiranjem više testnih objekata istovremeno jer se trenutno svaki proizvod testira zasebno što postaje neodrživo. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je konstruiranje testne stanice za ispitivanje emisija čestica za sustave kablova i njihovog vođenja koja će omogućiti testiranje više objekata istovremeno. Radi boljeg razumijevanja problema, na samom početku dan je osvrt u vezi čistih soba, njihove važnost, kao i objašnjenje pojma tehnologija čiste sobe. S obzirom na to da će se testna stanica nalaziti u čistoj sobi, detaljnije je opisana prikladnost opreme za čiste sobe koja se temelji na normi ISO 14644-14. Zatim je prezentirano istraživanje tržišta testnih objekata, kablova i nosača kablova koje je omogućilo dobivanje smjernica za daljnji razvoj testne stanice. Na kraju dijela u vezi istraživanja i postojećeg stanja u Institutu, napisan je opis čiste sobe gdje će se testna stanica nalaziti, testne metode koja se najčešće provodi u Institutu te su prikazani postojeći uređaji koji su napravljeni za upotrebu u čistoj sobi. Sve navedeno pružilo je smjernice za definiranje zahtjeva uređaja, koji zajedno sa zahtjevima utvrđenima u razgovoru sa stručnjacima iz Instituta čine ukupnu listu zahtjeva za daljnji razvoj. Zatim je kreirana funkcijska struktura uređaja, a rješenja za pojedine funkcije dana su u morfološkoj matrici, nakon koje su generirani koncepti. Koncepti su evaluirani i za izabrani koncept provedena su testiranja međukontaminacije i laminarnog strujanja. Zatim je detaljno opisana konstrukcijska razrada pojedinih komponenti odabranog koncepta te njegovih podsklopova i glavnog sklopa. Odabrani koncept razrađen je i modeliran u programskom paketu Solidworks 2018. |