@phdthesis{fsb:6579, author = {{Seleš, Karlo}}, title = {{Numerical phase-field modeling of damage in heterogeneous materials}}, } @article{simet:685, author = {{Perić, Mato and Seleš, Karlo and Tonković, Zdenko and Lovrenić-Jugović, Martina}}, title = {{Numerical simulation of welding distortions in large structures with a simplified engineering approach}}, } @mastersthesis{fsb:3454, author = {{Seleš, Karlo}}, title = {{Numerička simulacija procesa zavarivanja u velikim konstrukcijama}}, } @mastersthesis{fsb:2827, author = {{Seleš, Karlo}}, title = {{Analiza rezidualnih naprezanja u ispušnom kućištu plinske turbine}}, }