University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
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Krstulović, V. (2006). Eksergoekonomska analiza tipičnog energetskog procesa u hrvatskoj industriji (Scientific master's theses). Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. Retrieved from
Krstulović, Vedran. "Eksergoekonomska analiza tipičnog energetskog procesa u hrvatskoj industriji." Scientific master's theses, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2006.
Krstulović, Vedran. "Eksergoekonomska analiza tipičnog energetskog procesa u hrvatskoj industriji." Scientific master's theses, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2006.
Krstulović, V. (2006). 'Eksergoekonomska analiza tipičnog energetskog procesa u hrvatskoj industriji', Scientific master's theses, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, accessed 24 February 2025,
Krstulović V. Eksergoekonomska analiza tipičnog energetskog procesa u hrvatskoj industriji [Scientific master's theses]. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture; 2006 [cited 2025 February 24] Available at:
V. Krstulović, "Eksergoekonomska analiza tipičnog energetskog procesa u hrvatskoj industriji", Scientific master's theses, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 2006. Available at: