Abstract | U ovom se završnom radu opisuju pojmovi Lean menadžmenta, digitalizacije, trendova u zdravstvu te koncepta pametne bolnice. Zadatak završnog rada je opisati i objasniti načine na koje se alati Lean menadžmenta i digitalizacija mogu implementirati u zdravstvene ustanove. Kako bi to bilo moguće, potrebno je prvo do u detalje razjasniti pojmove Lean menadžmenta i njegove primjene, kao i pojma digitalizacije i njene primjene. Zbog specifičnosti zdravstvenih djelatnosti, u kojima moraju biti zadovoljeni socijalni i ekonomski faktori, implementacija Lean alata i digitalizacija procesa je nerijetko vrlo izazovna. Primjenom Lean menadžmenta i digitalizacije, uz ostale blagodati informacijskih tehnologija u zdravstvene procese, stvara se koncept pametne bolnice.
U srednjem dijelu završnog rada govori se o primjerima svjetskih zdravstvenih sustava vezanim uz primjenu Lean alata i digitalizacije. Također su analizirani trendovi svjetskih zdravstvenih sustava te opisani njihovi napori u pokušaju transformacije istih u održive i efikasnije sustave s ciljem pružanja maksimalne zdravstvene usluge pacijentu. Obrađen je zdravstveni sustav Republike Hrvatske s raznovrsnim statističkim pokazateljima i trendovima kako bi se dobio uvid u stanje državnog zdravstvenog sustava te razinu potrebe za uvođenjem promjena sa svrhom poboljšanja bolničkih procesa. Utvrđeno je kako u hrvatskom zdravstvu postoji mnogo potencijala i potrebe za preoblikovanjem istog, zbog demografskih prilika koje neumoljivo vrše pritisak na postojeću organizaciju zdravstvenog sustava.
Kako bi se odgovorilo izazovu demografskih promjena kako u svijetu, tako i u Hrvatskoj, u trećem se dijelu završnog rada obrađuje primjena Lean alata i digitalizacije na KBC Zagreb, točnije odjel hitne medicine KBC-a Zagreb. Unutar odjela hitne medicine promatran je proces trijaže hitnih pacijenata i po završenim istraživanjima doneseni su zaključci, prijedlozi poboljšanja procesa i analiza novog, predloženog procesa trijaže.
Zaključak je završnog rada da Lean alati i digitalizacija imaju veliku ulogu u preobrazbi zdravstvenih sustava. Prema trendovima u hrvatskom zdravstvu postoji potreba za implementacijom elemenata pametne bolnice s ciljem prilagođavanja zdravstvenog sustava potrebama pacijenata. |
Abstract (english) | In this final paper terms like Lean Management, digitalization, trends in healthcare and smart hospital are described and analyzed. Purpose of the final paper is to define and explain ways in which tools of Lean Management and digitalization can be implemented in healthcare systems. To make this possible, first the detailed elaboration of the terms Lean management and its implementation is needed, the same applies to digitalization. Because of specific characteristics of healthcare systems, which have to satisfy social and economic factors in order to perform, the application of Lean tools and digitalization is very challenging. Application of Lean Management, digitalization and other benefits of IT in healthcare processes creates a concept called Smart Hospital.
The middle section of the final paper talks about examples of applications of Lean tools and digitalization in worldwide healthcare systems. Furthermore, world trends in healthcare systems are analyzed and described the efforts, of the world countries make in order to transform their healthcare systems into more sustainable and efficient. The goal of the transformation of healthcare systems is to maximize health services for patients. The Croatian healthcare system is analyzed and described with lots of statistical indicators and trends in order to get information about the current state of the system. There is also mentioned the need for implementing changes within the national healthcare system for improving healthcare processes. It is found that there is a lot of potential in our healthcare and a great level of necessity for transforming it because of demographic changes, which put a great amount of pressure on the current way of healthcare functioning. In order to meet the challenges of demographic changes in the world, and in Croatia, the third part of the final paper talks about the application of the Lean tools and digitalization on KBC Zagreb, more precisely on the emergency department. Inside the emergency department, the triage process was observed.
After the research was finished, results and conclusions were made, as well as the suggestions of possible improvements applied on the triage process. It is also suggested new, improved triage process. The conclusion of the final paper sums up the facts, which prove how Lean tools and digitalization play a big role in transformation of the healthcare systems. According to the trends in Croatian healthcare there is a great need for implementation of the elements of Smart Hospital in order to adapt the healthcare to the patient needs. |